Saturday, August 05, 2006

Atypical First

So, of course. All want their own...uniqueness. Yet at the same time we strive to impress those around us, often in vain. I'm not a blogger, or a 'journalist' or any such thing. I'm not likely to post much. But I know if you've read this far you want to see what I think, how much I think, or if I even think at all. 

No, Weed Thought is not about a chemical state of mind or a certain 7-point leaf in which so many of our society these days seek refuge in. This is simply about the way I think. My thoughts are like weeds. My thoughts are scattered, and move quickly between subjects far and wide, navigating through paths and connections that, frankly, are hard to imagine. How they get from one place to another is usually a mystery. Often they seem to pop up out of nowhere, and unlike weeds, tend to disappear if not attended to.  
One of my first 'real' jobs involved working at a small, privately owned plant nursery. The owner told me something that has stuck with me ever since, and although many have heard it, it was the first time I had. He told me that a weed was just a plant in the wrong place. Somehow it made weeding a little less tedious to think of the weeds as plants instead of nature out to get me with the worst she could conjure. 

I've never been interested in blogging, per se. But sometimes I find my 'weeds' are merely in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I hope if I take the time to reveal the weeds to others, they may become the plants they intended to be all along.

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