There was One who while innocent, lived His life as a Dead Man Walking. He came to earth knowing He would die, knowing why, when, how. It was as sure as the fate of a convicted felon ambulating down the corridor for his last time. But we were the convicts, He the Judge, and He taking our place to free us.
Aren't we to live our lives as 'dead men walking?' Not in a morbid, depressed manner. As a Christian, I know my fate! The price has been paid! While my body will die some day, my spirit will live on in God's presence eternally! I have nothing to fear, only joy to feel about the prospect of death some day.
Then how are we to be 'dead men walking?' As a recipient of God's free gift of salvation, I am free from the chains of sin. This doesn't mean I no longer sin -- it means I'm no longer bound to sin. I don't have to. I can choose not to. The Bible refers to it as being "dead to sin." A dead person cannot do much of anything, much less sin. We are to live our lives as if we were dead as far as sin is concerned.
Another manner in which we can live as 'dead men walking' is by being aware of our mortality. A common mantra is to "Live each day to the fullest." Those who hear from a doctor that they are terminal cases and have a certain number of months left to live tend to spend those last few months differently from the way they lived previously. That's the way every day should be for us already! God may take us home at any time. Live each day to the fullest -- for Him!
I'm glad you decided to start a blog. I am learning new things about you as I read your posts. Keep writing!
Okay, you're do for another post. It's been a while!
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